Bread Fridays: Besos

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Well Friday's here again, which can only mean one thing: Time for another installment of “Bread Fridays,” where I drive everyone's salivary glands crazy with another scrumptious creation from Mexico's bakeries.

Mexican Bread Kisses

Today's treat is the very popular kiss, or beso as we like to call them in Spanish. You take two dome shaped bits of yummy bread, paste them together with some raspberry or strawberry jam, then cover them with a thin layer of jam on the outside, so when you roll them through the shredded coconut it all sticks on nicely. And that's all I have to say about that. Let the mouthwatering begin!

It you like these, be sure to check out other amazing breads from my friends, the bakers of Mexico, at estropajos, cacahuates, bolillos, orejas, libros, conchas, soles, chinos, pay de queso, roscas chinas, puerquitos, huacales, ojos,  niños, ratoncitos and cisnes.

Have a delicious Friday!


Silvia Martinez
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