Take the Pledge to Protect Babies in the Laundry Room During National Baby Safety Month

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Baby in Laundry Basket

Thank you to the great folks at the American Cleaning Institute® (ACI) for sponsoring this post about an important safety topic.

If you have a crawling baby, I don’t have to tell you how quickly they can move when they’re motivated. When my older boy started crawling, he crossed the room faster than a jack rabbit. My younger son loved to crawl, too, only mostly upward. He still is a wonderful climber.

I’m reminded of all this because September is National Baby Safety Month. Of course, if you currently have a baby, you are keenly aware that every minute of every day is baby safety month. But it’s good to have a month dedicated to the subject anyway just to keep us all up-to-date and focused on baby safety, not just current parents of babies, but friends, neighbors and family members as well.

ACI image

Here’s a room you might not think about when it comes to home safety – the laundry room. (Huge Tip Alert: Keep reading to find out how you can enter for a chance to win an amazing laundry room makeover.)

Baby Safety Month is the perfect opportunity to stop and think whether we are practicing safe laundry habits. A lot of products in our laundry rooms can be harmful if they fall into the hands of little ones.

So, this National Baby Safety Month I’ve teamed up with the American Cleaning Institute on an important safety campaign to raise awareness and encourage education around one of those products – single load liquid laundry packets.

We know babies move fast, are curious, and can put all sorts of things in their mouths. Food, rattles, toys, teethers, – you name it, even some things they shouldn’t put there – like these liquid laundry packets.

Like any other household cleaning product, these packets are not toys and should not be given to babies to play with. I encourage everyone to make it a habit to always store liquid laundry packets out of reach and out of sight of babies to help prevent injury. I also encourage everyone to keep the packets in their original packaging until they are ready to be used. Even though my boys aren’t babies anymore, I still want my home to be safe for any small visitors we might have. I always keep laundry detergents, cleaning products, and single-load laundry packets in their original packaging, and stored inside a cabinet above the washing machine.

Laundry Room

The American Cleaning Institute has created a national consumer education campaign called the KEY Pledge to raise awareness about laundry safety. The KEY Pledge reminds parents of these precautions:

Be the KEY

You can take the pledge online at keypledge.com and follow ACI’s simple steps to be the KEY to your family’s laundry safety. They also have some great safety tips and educational videos.

Plus, by taking the Pledge at keypledge.com, you will be automatically entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win a $2,500 gift card to help makeover your laundry room!

Stay safe and let me know if you win the laundry room makeover!

Silvia Martinez
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