Rotini with Balsamic Vinegar and Tomatoes Recipe

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I just love this time of year. The skies here are still blue, but not quite as hot, and there is a cool breeze most days.

School has started and things have gotten a little busier. So I have been thinking up some very quick yet delicious meals requiring just a few ingredients.

I especially like this one right now because it's perfect for having outside on the deck in the evening, since its still both warm enough and light enough and it looks beautiful in the evening light. I hope you enjoy it.

Rotini with tomatoes

Rotini with Balsamic Vinegar and Tomatoes

Serves 6

  • 1 box (12 oz) tricolor rotini pasta
  • 2 cans (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes with garlic, oregano and basil (I used S&W tomatoes)
  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 4 T olive oil
  • Parmesan Cheese

Cook rotini according to instructions on the package. While pasta is cooking, open the cans of tomatoes and heat them up. Just when pasta is al dente, add a cup of cold water to stop the cooking, drain the rotini and pour it into a bowl.  Pour the warmed tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil over rotini and mix well. Serve and top with Parmesan cheese.  It's that easy.

Rotini con Vinagre Balsámico y Jitomates

Buon Appetito!

Silvia Martinez
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